What activities and/or hobbies are keeping you active at the moment?
Mostly just inspiration hunting and trying to expand mentally and ethically. I’m in a creative mind space, which has led me to hunt for new ways to expand my knowledge in any field that I have an interest in, whether it be Art, Fashion, Sculpture, or Paintings - they all fall into the same category but it’s something that you must study if you want to expand in the Fashion and History world as a whole, so I’m really taking this time to push myself to the limit when it comes to the projects I work on and clients I work with.
How is that impacting your well being?
I think I needed this. I’m not going to say that “Coronavirus is a blessing from above” cause it’s obviously not, but I’m taking this time to perfect my craft and think about what I want for my future and how I want to go about working with other individuals who I deem as idols for me in the industry.
It’s been a real eye-opener for me to see how people can really work remotely and still create bodies of work that are timeless, that people are going to see 10 years from now and know that this was created by 3 men or a 1 man team (for example) who had nothing other than their tools…
Have you developed a structure for your days yet, if yes, what motivated you to put a structure in place?
Absolutely not! Some days I wake up and I’m on my computer 24/7, and other days I just tend to my mental and physical health… I’m really trying to keep a healthy balance, a regimen and a routine which I think is important especially in a time like this; you can’t just sit around for a long period of time doing nothing, even though I know it’s hard as everyone has to just stay at home and whatnot, but you have to find a way to think outside of the box and get your mind and soul active if you have the means to do so!
Have you discovered anything new about yourself during this lockdown period?
Tough one… I’ve learned that I take myself too seriously when it comes to my work, when in reality Art and Fashion is fun, you can do whatever the hell you want with it. Who’s to say “What is art” and “What is not (art)”, not everyone's a critic or a superstar expert in what they know. It’s all about what you like, and I’m trying to figure out where I sit in that mould, or outside of the mould for that matter to see how I can impact the art world 10 years from now.
If so, how will that dictate your actions post lockdown?
This has taught me that I do not need to be on the forefront of everything new, it’s better to understand something and to be able to execute it differently other than thinking “I gotta do it first before anybody and be credited!” If you do it first and do it horribly then you’re going to be known as that guy who wore that garment and wore it badly. I think that it’s better for me to take my time to research and go from there. Going forward I’m going to take my time to pay more attention to the brands I work with, research the history behind it and make sure that it’s the right fit for me.
What does your work from home uniform look like?
Some days I wake up and think “Man I gotta put a f*cking fit on”, I gotta dress as if I’m going outside/to the city because it makes me feel good - doing your hair, make-up etc. all help to better your mindstate, but other days it consists of Birkenstocks, sweatsuits, and a beanie. It really varies, cause it depends on my mood and how much I feel like getting myself together, But I will say this: Putting yourself together in the morning, making that coffee, putting on those pair of jeans, boots etc. really changes the outlook you have on your day because it makes you feel more productive and makes you feel like it’s a normal day at work!